Wednesday, March 2, 2011

One more

In last few posts I kind of stopped writing about myself, so lets turn this ego-centric blog back to norm. Actually not that much has changed, I still love myself and probably hate you, or at least I don't care about you. But that's not a big secret, the big secret is... What is love? Love is a flower love is life, love is se... other stereotypical somewhat romantic words which actually make no sense at all except creating an “AWWHH” reaction in 13 year old girls. Who of course do not read my blog.  

I hope you didn't believe that I am actually gonna write about that... Because I know that you know that I know that love sucks big time. I always thought that all women are equally beautiful and worth of being loved so by being with only one woman I steal that magic “love” from others. That's the way I excuse myself while cheating on my girlfriend... Tricky and romantic isn't it?

Oh well, more and more I am starting to think of trying to write something more then just short stories and blog. You know, a novel maybe or a screenplay but nothing too big like a philosophic manuscript or scientific work. But I face a big problem and its not a lack of desire or time to write, I just banally cannot find an idea good enough to write about. Of course I can go mainstream and write something about teenage vampires and elves killing orcs but I am not THAT desperate.
Maybe you dear reader will give me some original ideas? Though I know what you think now, I am trying to use someone to get what I need, but that's not it. At first I am and always be extremely fascinated by opinions of others and if you don't mind sharing them I will be immensely pleased to hear your magnum opuses.

And another thing: I am a big fun of good music and movies and of course constructive argument so if you want to speak and fight about or enjoy some of arts modern society offers you are welcome to write! You are even welcome to hate me. Its up to you.
That's it for now, Ill try to write more frequent next time and thanks for reading!

And some music in the end 


  1. Well, I pretty liked the post, though you've mentioned a possibility that I(a random reader) may hate you after it. WHY? There's no reason for that. (hmm.. yet?))))

    About your bigger than blog smth: well ok don't write about vampires - try an unreal(or as you wish) story about something unusual. I mean, you still have to choose the topic yourself - otherwise it'll be someone's idea not yours. The main thing to remember while writing: write it in the way it'll be then interesting to you to read. Don't think of somebody else - because if it's firstly interesting to you - it's then worth writing. The second thing is to think about readers.

    So sorry for this too long comment, maybe it's just your post or that I somehow miss you that inspired me to write it:)

  2. Thanks for a comment, I just wanted to write in more harsh style this time. Felt like provoking someone:)
    Thanks for advice, I appreciate that!
