Thursday, April 21, 2011

Serious post, so serious

I will miss all of them, my friends, acquaintances, enemies and even those whom I hated. In case you don't know, I am talking about my exchange year and last trip to DC. Time spent there was wonderful but I hated the last day, and it was not because of total disorganization of things happening or cranky chaperons but because of the last 15 minutes.

I did not cry but hugging everyone and promising to come to see them one day broke my heart because I knew the exact same moment that it was a lie. I knew even then, and I know now that I will never meet most of those people again, and it kills me. Kills me from inside realizing how unique some of them were, how prominent and unforgettable their words were and how much my life will lack them when I go back home. Maybe I didn't agree with everything out there but as those people took off in their buses part of me went with them.

I don't care about you thinking that I am a way to emotional about memories and photos but it's the truth. Leaving people hurts and changes you. It makes you kinda jerkier because you start trying to protect yourself by not letting anyone get close enough.
I think it is time to stop wyaning, get myself together and do something because sitting in front of a computer screen writing a blog is not cool. I promise my next post will be fun, and no crying!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Listen and enjoy

This time I have decided to make a post solely about music. Here they come 10 songs which were number one in my playlist for last few week.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Lady's Day

This post is specifically written for ladies of all ages and levels of awesomeness. Its the 8th of March, a great day for you, charming and powerful creatures and a whole lot of headache for us, men. Flowers and chocolate with compliment icing glazed with love, it is your day.But it is not just a stupid formality, it is a contribution to unstoppable beauty which eventually will save the world. 
All I can say is that you are the bestest of the best the most charming of.... wait, you are the most charming by default. And it does not matter whether it is the 8th of March or any other day, you still will be in our hearts. 
Just know that we cannot live without you and whatever we do or say its all is just because you near us.

Happy 8th of March!!!
З 8 березням!!!

PS If you are not from Ukraine or Russia and you are reading this, you should know that 8th of March is the Women's day, and even if you do not celebrate it, still be nice to all ladies!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

One more

In last few posts I kind of stopped writing about myself, so lets turn this ego-centric blog back to norm. Actually not that much has changed, I still love myself and probably hate you, or at least I don't care about you. But that's not a big secret, the big secret is... What is love? Love is a flower love is life, love is se... other stereotypical somewhat romantic words which actually make no sense at all except creating an “AWWHH” reaction in 13 year old girls. Who of course do not read my blog.  

I hope you didn't believe that I am actually gonna write about that... Because I know that you know that I know that love sucks big time. I always thought that all women are equally beautiful and worth of being loved so by being with only one woman I steal that magic “love” from others. That's the way I excuse myself while cheating on my girlfriend... Tricky and romantic isn't it?

Oh well, more and more I am starting to think of trying to write something more then just short stories and blog. You know, a novel maybe or a screenplay but nothing too big like a philosophic manuscript or scientific work. But I face a big problem and its not a lack of desire or time to write, I just banally cannot find an idea good enough to write about. Of course I can go mainstream and write something about teenage vampires and elves killing orcs but I am not THAT desperate.
Maybe you dear reader will give me some original ideas? Though I know what you think now, I am trying to use someone to get what I need, but that's not it. At first I am and always be extremely fascinated by opinions of others and if you don't mind sharing them I will be immensely pleased to hear your magnum opuses.

And another thing: I am a big fun of good music and movies and of course constructive argument so if you want to speak and fight about or enjoy some of arts modern society offers you are welcome to write! You are even welcome to hate me. Its up to you.
That's it for now, Ill try to write more frequent next time and thanks for reading!

And some music in the end 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cat about people

Just decided to write a little short story, just for fun. Hope you enjoy it!

His pants flew out of window followed by a brand new laptop and his favourite record. She threw him out. Forever. No more sweet love, no more happiness, no more good times. And you know what, I loved him. Yes maybe he came back home drunk with a girl who is not She but why should I care? All in all I am a cat. Cats like to be petted and to be fed with tuna, and now It is all gone. What I am gonna do? What If she throws me out as she did with him? I am not just some cat, I am Fuzzball!!! Maybe I am not in position to blame people, but she never asked me. He used to give double tuna and sometimes even let me sit on his laps when he was working. He never chased me out of the bedroom even when he was petting girl who did not belong to this household. He always liked me, and she threw him out just like a thing.

I know, I know what will happen - they will forget me. I, Fuzzball will have to go wondering through the dangerous streets full of crazy dogs and over grown rats. I am not a tiger, I like quietness, three meals a day, I have my favourite doctor and my favourite spot on the couch. I am not ready for the life out of the golden cage. And they never asked me....

But what if they decide to put me to sleep or send me to her mother? That lady is just a cat suppressor. And it is not about her 5 dogs, it is about her eyes. Every time she looks at me I feel like I am a mouse on the way to lion’s stomach. You would never think, but I have a mouse phobia. Not those plastic mice with a motor I hunt all the time, but those sneaky grey little bastards. No wonder elephants are afraid of them...

Ok, it is 8:35 time for second after-dinner. No food came.
It is 8:48 I am starving. 8:50 still no food.
Now I know - they decided to starve me to death! It is only 3 hours since he is gone and I am already dying. Look at the floor, my hair is falling off. I am not strong in biology but something tells me that my whiskers are next...9:13 time for a nap, I am so starved that I am dying.

Good morning! Pardon, good afternoon! I did not die, apparently cats can live without food longer than one night. Haven't I mentioned that cats like to sleep? Just in case: we like to sleep, very much so. So next day came and she is still angry, I got some food but It was less then usual.
Next moment the living room door slammed so hard I thought that my eyeballs would fall out. He came, he was angry, she was angry, they were fighting and screaming. She slapped him, he took a knife...
Few hours later I woke up on the street and never saw them again....

Monday, February 7, 2011

My Top 5 Movies Which Do Make Some Sense

This time I want to try something different and somewhat off topic. Instead of writing basically an essay about one of the chapters of my life Ill just do something for fun. Let me say, make a chart of movies which actually do mean something.

So lets get starting, today no big long and boring intros, right away number one is:
Forest Gump
Forest Gump is not just fun to watch, it is inspiring and fulfilling. This Academy Award winning film, leaves some kind of after taste, watching this masterpiece only once is no good as  every time you watch it again you find a new phrase or a new expression which leaves a footprint in your soul. Definitely worse spending 2 and
a half hours of your life. And maybe even more, if you are like me. I have watched it probably 6 times and still find it more then just a good movie.  

Fight Club
Violent, crazy, cruel, bloody, inspiring, life-changing and in some way philosophic. It all can be sad about this ingenious piece of cinematography. If you are afraid that your life will be changed by a movie - do not watch
it.... And as skyscrapers were falling Taylor Durden was engraved as one of the most eccentric and memorable TV heroes.

V for Vendetta
 "Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.
The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous." - V 

The Shawshank Redemption
 It is not just number one rated movie on the internet, it is something more then 7 Oscar nominations - it is the story of a man who was not broken under the hardships of his life. Once successful businessmen Andy Dufresne goes to prison for crime he did not commit. But he not just survives, he becomes the legend. This is a story of brave heart and unbeatable will. The Shawshank Redemption is one of those movies you cannot miss.

  Probably the only really worthy Hollywood movie of last few years. Just watch it, maybe you wont understand it, or wont get the idea, but there is no denial that it is a great movie.  
Thats it for now, I hope that you enjoy movies I have chosen. And one more thing, thats my choice not yours, if you don't like any of these movies just get over it. 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Just love it...

Ha ha ha, I love my life, still don't know why but I find it to be over exciting and over awesome. Even though I haven't done a lot of significant things over past 15 years, life is wonderful. All the credits should be given to my friends and family, they have made it great and of course pop culture added some to it too. Thanks to TV and mainstream classic novels I have understood that selfishness is the only way. In one word - live... Live for yourself not for Joe or Kate or anyone else, live for you own sake and your own happiness

 Ok, finished  with a small remark about some important things and now lets go back to what I initially prepared for this post.  
I actually am a pretty spontaneous writer and I am not acknowledged about the plot of this post or even blog. I don't know how will it end, I don't even know what will next sentence be about. You see I am just 15, I am not a genius or a talented novelist, all I do is write few sentences every time I am bored, stressed or happy. There is no purpose hidden in this blog, I am not planning to monetize it unless it becomes really popular. This whole thing is purely for pure fun. Thats why there is no point in telling heart breaking stories which involve crying about that cute girl in school, because all that is not long lasting and unimportant. Moreover I think that teenage turmoil is overrated and senseless.

 So be cool, be happy, love yourself!   


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

So I got this blog started

So I got this blog started, now I have to write something, which is great because maybe now someone will appreciate my talent of being a crappy writer. Oh and by the way I am now on Twitter, with mysterious nickname @AlexOliynyk. I know, I know my imagination sucks, I had to use almost my real name in the social network. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING ME

Again, again I sled off the topic of my masterpiece, let's come back to my experience in the country of honey and rape. American High School, everyone hates it, everyone wants it to end as quickly as possible. In my case it was a great success. I abused it. I abused a power of being pretty charming foreign kid. I abused it when I was talking to girls, when I was forgetting to do my homework(laziness is my second name) by the way my first name is Mr. Bad Example. Bad Guy Method™  actually works....
So in the first week I became a cool guy, with sexy accent and some style, at least its what local girls thought. I didn't have to study a lot because Ukrainian schools teach something unlike American ones(no offense, not a big fun of this educational system). And so on, life like a paradise, but its only the first of good and not so good things I experienced in America.
I suppose that you are waiting for a down slide in my success saga, but there is no fail to this story, everything is great even now.
 Thats it for now, maybe my next post will be about something else, but its only if I get back my imagination blend.

Monday, January 24, 2011

First Post, I know that It sucks, but it still is first.

Ok, this is my first post in my first blog created not for trying to aggravate different morons and degenerates on the Internet. So this time I will try to be more or less tolerant and understanding.
Now lets get closer to what I am really trying to write about. And my hilariously banal idea is to write about my experience as a exchange student from former Soviet Union republic and just one of the greatest if not countries in the world - Ukraine or (Українія Надзвичайна).
I have already spent somewhere around 5 months and at some point I was terribly pleased and positively amused by my life at another point I was a bit frustrated. However I would say that somewhere around 87% of those so called "points" were a great experience. Other 13% of time I wanted to laugh at American way of life, though nothing offensive(trying to be tolerant) it's just so different that I can not explain it right now.

Oh and of course I should add some music to this post to make it even cooler.